High school counselors: We know it can be overwhelming to keep track of all the important dates and deadlines, the different admissions application requirements, and the different scholarship applications. The IU Office of Scholarships wants to provide you with everything you need to best support your students as they navigate the admissions application process and seek to join the Hoosier Scholar Community. We welcome thousands of amazing students to Indiana University each year, and we couldn’t do it without your hard work and support. Thank you!
We’re here for you—and your students
All students who apply by the November 1 Early Action (non-binding) deadline will receive the highest scholarship consideration, regardless of whether or not they choose to have test scores considered as part of their application.
Important Dates
August 1
The admissions application for Fall 2025 will open on August 1. For information on admission and application requirements, important deadlines like the November 1 early action (non-binding) deadline, and other helpful information, please see the link below.
November 1
November 1 at 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time is the early action (non-binding) deadline. Students who submit a complete application for admission by this deadline will receive the highest scholarship consideration, including consideration for IU academic scholarships.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) becomes available. Students are encouraged to submit this application as early as possible to ensure all information is received by Indiana University Bloomington in a timely manner.
Starting mid-December, then continuing on a rolling basis, students who are selected to receive an IU academic scholarship will receive notification via their IU Portal, which will then be followed by an email from the IU Office of Scholarships.
February 1
All incoming students should submit their IU Scholarships Application by February 1 at 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to be considered for IU incoming student specific scholarship opportunities.
March 15
All incoming students will receive notification of all institutional aid they are set to the receive for the upcoming academic year by March 15. The student's financial aid information, both instiutional and external aid, can be found in their Financial Aid Summary in One.IU. Following March 15, incoming students should reference the reflected financial aid information in this summary for making enrollment decisions.
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